SCIVET is all about helping bring German expertise on vocational education and training (VET) to wherever it is needed in the world. The skilled crafts sector in Germany, which our confederation represents, comprises a broad range of occupations ranging from traditional professions like bakers and butchers to more recent ones like mechatronics and information electronics technicians.
The German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) and its associated chambers have a long tradition in overlooking the vocational training that is happenning in all these professions. And meanwhile it has also become a tradition to provide expert support to partners abroad in organising and conducting vocational training locally. Since the German vocational training system is largely based on the principle of duality and linked learning venues (work-based learning in companies complemented by VET schools providing the theoretical framework), expertise from German experts is often needed when it comes to gearing VET more towards practical work experience.
The SCIVET Co-ordination Unit has a comprehensive overview of what individual players from the German skilled crafts sector have on offer when it comes to TVET support abroad. Those who are looking for such support can rely on the fact that individual offers feature the key characteristics of high-quality vocational training in Germany.
SCIVET is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research.