International Vocational Education & Training
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The German skilled craft sector’s systemic quality standards for international VET cooperation


As part of the SCIVET project, the systemic quality standards have been developed, reflecting the German skilled craft sector’s fundamental understanding of “dual IVET” as a combination of practical on-the-job training in companies and theoretical learning in VET colleges. For those German VET specialists providing support to non-German partners in international VET cooperation projects, these standards serve as an orientation and reference, helping them to identify, together with their non-German partners, overarching development targets and to define suitable support services for achieving them.

Portfolio of services offered by the German skilled craftssector for international VET cooperation



Portfolio of services offeredby the German skilled craftssector for international VET cooperation-Overview -The German skilled craftsector has a rich experience in supporting partners abroad running vocational education and training projects. German skilled crafts have the following services available to be delivered internationally by members of the sector. The SCIVET Co-ordination Unit can help you identify a concrete service provider to support your individual project.

VET in the German skilled crafts sector


The German skilled crafts sector

Short presentation of the skilled crafts sector in English including a list of crafts professions

The German VET-System


CEDEFOP: VET in Europe – Country report

This country report is part of a series of reports on vocational education and training produced for each EU Member State plus Norway and Iceland by members of ReferNet, a network established by Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training).



The German Office for International Cooperatoin in Vocational Education and Training (GOVET) offers information regarding different topics for example how Dual VET works in Germany, Continuing professional education in Germana as well as costs and benefits aspects

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