Systemic quality standards of the skilled crafts for international VET cooperation
As part of the SCIVET project, systemic quality standards have been developed, which reflect the skilled craft sector’s fundamental understanding of quality in dual vocational education and training. These quality standards serve as an orientation reference for stakeholders from the skilled crafts sector providing support to foreign partners in internationa VET cooperation. The systemic quality standards assist in jointly identifying overarching development goals and in agreeing on suitable support services to achieve them.
1. Dialogue of the VET stakeholders
1.1. Criterion: The selection of mandate holders for participating in the dialog of stakeholders and thus the governance of vocational education and training meets the requirements of the business community.
- All mandate holders have clearly defined tasks and interests in the field of vocational training..
- The mandate holders represent the operational field of practice.
- The mandate holders represent large, medium, small and micro enterprises.
- The mandate holders have the relevant expertise to adequately contribute to the dialog.
1.2. Criterion: All mandate holders have an equal status.
- All mandate holders have an equal right of nomination in the VET steering committees.
- All mandate holders have equal voting rights in the VET steering committees.
1.3. Criterion: The training content and organization is based on the employers’ and employees’ practical experiences.
- The private sector mandate holders formulate practice-oriented requirements concerning the training content and organization.
- The mandate holders provide feedback on drafted training regulations and, if necessary, school curricula.
- The private sector mandate holders approve the practice-oriented training content.
1.4. Criterion: A public institution moderates and documents the VET stakeholders dialogue considering current and future developments.
- The dialog between the mandate holders is moderated by the public institution.
- The outcomes of the dialog is documented.
2. Legal framework
2.1. Criterion: Binding regulations for the organization and implementation of VET exist.
- There is a legal basis for in-company training that is supplemented by school-based and, if necessary, inter-company training.
- The tasks of the relevant stakeholders are defined.
- The companies provide training within the framework of practical work and business processes. The schools focus is on delivering the theoretical foundations.
- State institutions recognize the qualifications acquired.
- The financing is regulated in a binding manner.
- The regulations adopted are the consensus of the dialog between the VET stakeholders.
- The adopted regulations are public.
2.2. Criterion: Regulations for VET in specified professions have been developed and published.
- There is a unified job title.
- Training content is defined aiming to provide comprehensive vocational training independently of individual companies.
- The knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired are defined in a legally binding manner.
- The functional and temporal structure in which the knowledge, skills and abilities are taught is defined.
- The VET duration is defined.
- The type of the examination is defined.
- The requirements of the examination are defined.
- The adopted regulations are public.
2.3. Criterion: The training is based on a legally binding agreement between the training company and the other parties involved.
- The rights and obligations of trainees are regulated in a legally binding and transparent manner.
- The rights and obligations of the trainers are regulated in a legally binding and transparent manner.
- The trainers and trainees agree to the binding regulation.
2.4. Criterion: A responsible institution ensures that training is implemented properly in the companies and in accordance with the regulations.
- The responsible institution has a legally defined mandate.
- The responsible institution works independently of any company ensuring neutrality in performing its mission.
- The tasks of the responsible institution are clearly defined.
- The responsible institution has the human and financial resources to perform the relevant monitoring of the training conduction in the companies.
- The responsible institution supports and accompanies the training process in the companies.
3. Learning locations: company and school
3.1. Criterion: The various places of learning and their respective tasks are defined.
- Alongside the company and its defined tasks as a place of learning, a VET college is defined with a respective remit. In the case of supplementars inter-company trainings, the respective remit are also defined.
- The learning locations jointly ensure the comprehensiveness of the delivered action-oriented training content.
- Separate, coordinated training regulations and curricula exist for the learning locations.
3.2. Criterion: Procedures of the training process at the various learning locations are transparent.
- The training regulations and curricula of the respective learning locations are known to the stakeholders.
- In the case of a supplementary inter-company learning location, the respective division of tasks is known.
3.3. Criterion: There is a close link between the practical training content in the company – and if necessary in inter-company learning locations – and the supplementary theoretical training content in the school-based vocational training institutions.
- The time and organizational framework conditions of the training courses are coordinated between the learning locations.
- The documentation of the training mirrors, the practical and theoretical parts of learning as well es their interlinkage.
3.4. Criterion: The suitability of the training locations, their instructors, management and teaching staff are ensured.
- The company and, if applicable, inter-company learning sites are suitable training locations.
- In-company trainers have the necessary technical, occupational and pedagogical competence for teaching the respective profession.
- The school-based vocational training institution is state-approved and has the necessary equipment and materials.
- The teaching staff has the necessary technical and vocational pedagogical competence for teaching the respective profession.
- The school-based vocational training institution’s management has relevant management qualifications.
4. Vocational examination
4.1. Criterion: The examination procedure and the design of the examination are defined and binding.
- The examination procedure and the design of the examination are defined and binding.
- Generally accepted rules set down how an examination is to be conducted.
- The procedure regulation ensures that employers, employees and representatives of a school-based vocational training institution are equally involved in the design of the examination procedure.
- A responsible institution for audits with a legally defined mandate adopts and publishes the procedural regulations for the examination.
4.2. Criterion: Examinations give objective and reliable proof of the acquisition of the occupational competence.
- The competences to be examined are set forth in the VET regulations for the respective profession.
- The examination instruments are suitable for checking the acquired competences of the respective occupational profile
- Examinations are prepared and assessed by experts.
- The examination is action-oriented and suitable for assessing if the examination requirements are met
- The examination requirements and assessment criteria are defined.
- The framework conditions for examinations are the same for all candidates.
4.3. Criterion: Proof of passing the nationally recognized examination is accepted by the private sector.
- Upon passing the exam, a certificate is issued by the institution responsible for exams.
- The certificate is generally valid.
- The certificate attests the occupational competence.
- Applicants with this certificate are priority consideration in the recruitment process for positions for skilled workers.
- The acquired certificate provides admittance to further qualifications.
5. VET research
5.1. Criterion: Research of VET is carried out.
- There is at least one scientific institution that conducts research related to vocational training.
- Relevant data on the labor market, technology, methodology and didactics are regularly collected and evaluated.
- Based on the collected and evaluated data, new concepts for the theoretical and practical teaching of vocational content are developed and tested.
- The research results are published.
5.2. Criterion: The development and modernisation of occupational profiles are supported scientifically.
- All mandate holders are advised by scientific (research) institutions as needed.
- Scientific (research) institutions support the adaptation of occupational profiles to changing qualification needs of the economy.
6. Continuing VET
6.1. Criterion: Continuing education and training programs are developed and delivered in a needs-based manner that complements initial training.
- Continuing education and training is available.
- Continuing education and training programs are coordinated between the relevant VET stakeholders.
- The technical requirements are defined.
- The content of the continuing education and training programs is aligned with the content of initial training.
- Qualification opportunities for acquiring in-company training qualifications and management skills are anchored in the continuing education system.
6.2. Criterion: The acquisition of continuing education and training degrees is regulated.
- Regulations are issued and are legally binding.
- The title of the continuing education and training programe is set.
- Access to the examination is defined.
- The examination requirements are defined.
- The time period for the examination is defined.
- The type of examination is defined.
- The certificates are officially recognized.
6.3. Criterion: Detailed information on the continuing education and training programs is available.
- The informatione is public.
- There is at least one entity that provides information and advice about the offered programs.