International Vocational Education & Training
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Supporting SMEs in Vocational Education and Training

How can small and medium sized enterprises be enabled to engage in work-based learning and offer apprenticeship places? The German answers to this question were given by Sophia Grunert during the Eastern Partnership Forum on Work-Based-Learning in Lviv. The forum was organised by the European Training Foundation. Mrs. Grunert presented how the skilled crafts organisation in Germany supports their member companies in order to enable them to provide apprenticeship places.

Here are the key issues in short:

  • Chambers of skilled crafts provide inter-company-training thus helping to broaden the scope of pracitical training.
  • The craft organisation pools resources for advertisement – to attract apprentices.
  • The chambers of skilled crafts offer advise before and during the training for both companies and apprentices.

Questions such as the ones about SME involvement are frequently asked in international VET cooperation of the skilled crafts sector – especially when jointly developing structures for quality assurance. If you would like to find a project partner from the skilled crafts sector, feel free to contact the SCIVET-Co-ordination Unit.

Download the presentation
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Visual summary of the presentation
The visual record prepared by Caroline Chapple
Sophia Grunert during her presentation to the Eastern Partnership Forum in 2019
Sophia Grunert presents the framework of SME engagement in VET during the Eastern Partnership Forum.
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